Meridians Recovery
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Non Profit Rehab Center
At Meridians Recovery we know what you’ll need to be successful: self management, a goal oriented sense of purpose, solid problem-solving and emotional skills, good health habits, focused activities and meaningful relationships. Our staff and peers will work with you, not against you, to accomplish these goals.
?Meridians Recovery hopes to bring synergy to early recovery combining the best aspects of evidence-based practices and treatment in developing a 12-step recovery lifestyle. Through Peer Based Recovery Support Services we encourage constructive change, teaching new ways to think about the old problems, improve decision making and coping skills as well as develop new thinking patterns to create a sense of stable wellness. Whatever the obstacle, everyone is capable of change and Meridians is dedicated to facilitating this change.
Meridians Recovery is modeled as a Recovery Community Organization. The original program design has sought to fill a gap in services between treatment and recovery in the community. We also recognize a huge gap in available services; a large percentage of people that fall between those having insurance coverage with the ability to go to a traditional residential treatment setting and consumers that qualify for Community Mental Health assistance with often significant barriers to access care. Meridians further recognizes challenges where clients discharge home after services and never make it into 12 step recovery services while others simply need more time away from using in order to make the shift.
Meridians Recovery is here to build a bridge between treatment and recovery with flexible capacity to either provide adjunct services or long-term sober living services that elsewhere, are not feasible. We work with diverse county agencies and programs such as mental health, substance abuse, family services, probation and parole, and homeless shelters. We are also committed to receiving referrals from other jurisdictions as well as treatment centers around the country beyond our local recovery community. The wellness path to Meridians Recovery welcomes all in their efforts to achieve sobriety and work towards embracing a healthy future for both themselves and the lives of family members they touch.
Our evidence-based practice builds upon science that has demonstrated a more clear understanding of neural pathways of addictive processes in our brains; essentially showing us how our learning systems become "hijacked" when substances or behaviors with addictive properties are introduced into a system repetitively over time. We all have this learning system. However, individuals challenged with repetitive substance behaviors lack the natural ability to initiate healthy stress responses. Brain studies demonstrate dysregulation of the dopamine reward system in learning process in such individuals. Reality comes to light when a negative feedback loop becomes established and the destruction of the addiction becomes greater than the fear of reality.
Interestingly, in the last 10 years science has caught up with what 12-step program attendees already knew. Addiction is a medical disease and the sufferers are generally always powerless to address it alone. It is imperative to understand, addictive behaviors are not from a lack of self-control, morality, or unbridled self-indulgence. Under the right stressors all of us have the capacity to become addicts.
We believe our residential program offers an individual and empirically based therapeutic approach to recovery by incorporating clinical aspects and peer based cognitive behavioral therapy constructs which is to-date the most empirically sound approach to addiction treatment. At Meridians, we have over 23 subjects in our psycho-education lectures series with accompanying handouts/worksheets to assist in developing healthier ways of thinking and living sober. Our curriculum additionally includes a holistic approach to wellness with topics including healthy nutrition habits, exercise and developing positive coping skills in daily living.
All consumers living in our residential, sober living and dual diagnosis programs are encouraged to attend these learning groups. The group environment is essential in establishing meaningful and long term recovery experiences. All staff and volunteers who share their time with Meridians have achieved long term recovery themselves. We believe being immersed in the local recovery community is the best way to change lives and transitioning into our integrated sober living program helps to facilitate this change.