Turning Point Recovery Center
Call 1 866-996-0760 and speak now with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Call now. This service is free of charge and there is no obligation.
Non profit rehab center.
Detox Program:
Detox is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Clients may come for treatment at any time. Clients are encouraged to bring personal items with them when they arrive as well as any medications in their original prescription containers.
Please be aware that our Detoxification Program is not currently included under our CARF Accreditation status. While we do operate the program along the same guidelines and standards as our other CARF Accredited programs, the Detoxification program is not CARF accreditated. This is due to our detox being a social setting detoxification and not a medical detoxification program, which is what can be accredited by CARF. If you have any questions or concerns about this information, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the agency’s administration for more details.
Outpatient services are available at all Turning Point locations. Both group and Individual counseling is available on an outpatient basis. Additionally, educational groups and relapse prevention are available through Outpatient services.
All services at Turning Point are driven by an individual treatment plan, which guides the frequency and duration of services.
Codependency counseling is offered to significant others, wives, family of consumers.
Anger management classes are offered at each location when there are enough consumer requests to warrant developing a group.
Men’s Residential – Our men’s residential program is a variable length program based on consumer needs, however court-ordered 30 day holds are accepted. Relapse prevention or intervention may require a shorter length of stay.
Consumers are in a highly structured setting. A typical day may include attending groups, individual counseling, group education, group counseling and structured activities. Consumers in residential treatment also have access to 12-Step support meetings.
Family members are encouraged to participate in the consumer’s treatment through attending Family Groups on Sundays and family conferences with a counselor while the consumer is in treatment. Family members are also encouraged to participate in local Al-Anon groups for support.
Assessment Screening Fee: All consumers entering SATOP must pay a $126 assessment screening fee at the time of their appointment.
Supplemental Fee: All consumers entering SATOP must pay a $249 supplemental fee at the time of their assessment. This fee is deposited into the Mental Health Earnings Fund. These funds are used to purchase intensive services for repeat and persistent DWI offenders who are unable to afford them.
Service Level Fees
Offender Education Program (OEP) $200.00
Adolescent Diversion Education Program (ADEP) $200.00
Weekend Intervention Program (WIP) $467.45 *
Clinical Intervention Program (CIP) $1067.42 *
Total Cost: The total cost for SATOP can range between $505 – $1380.91
*Consumers referred to the WIP, CIP, or YCIP may complete a financial questionnaire called the Standard Means Test. The findings will determine if the consumer will receive financial assistance with the payment of their service level fee.