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Sober House for women. Total Occupancy: 8 This publicly supported, non-profit 501(c)3 corporation is the umbrella organization which provides the network connecting all Oxford Houses and allocates resources to duplicate the Oxford House concept where needs arise. Oxford House is a concept in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. In its simplest form, an Oxford House describes
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55 Tillinghast St
Newark, NJ - 07108
(862) 763-4859
Location: 20.93 miles from South River
Non profit treatment center/shelter. Homeless shelter providing transitional housing and support services. Serves as a code blue shelter/warming center and is not handicap accessible. Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 8am to 4pm. Shelter open 24 hours a day....
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685 Neptune Boulevard, Suite 101
Neptune, NJ - 07753
(732) 988-8877
Location: 23.48 miles from South River
JSAS HealthCare, Inc., is a private, non-profit agency which provides comprehensive outpatient substance abuse treatment. Additional services provided to patients include: perinatal and neonatal services; HIV counseling and testing, HIV Early Intervention and medical treatment, and case management. They use a multidisciplinary...
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132 Perry St
Trenton, NJ - 08618
(609) 394-8988
Location: 25.39 miles from South River
About New Horizon Treatment Services Saving Lives from the Devastation of Addiction and Mental Illness in the Central New Jersey and surrounding areas. Opioid Treatment Program Their opioid treatment program offers ongoing medical and counseling support to those in need of medication assisted treatment for opioid depend...
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600 Pavonia Ave
Jersey City, NJ - 07306
(201) 351-2591
Location: 26.01 miles from South River
Addiction Services Substance abuse issues can impact all areas of an individual’s life. Legacy Treatment Services works to help adults and adolescents address these issues and live a life free of addiction. Legacy offers outpatient substance abuse counseling, intensive outpatient services, partial care services, services for ...
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22 Chapel Street
Brooklyn, NY - 11201
(718) 260-2900
Location: 27.02 miles from South River
START is a nonprofit, medication-assisted treatment and recovery organization serving all of New York City. START Treatment and Recovery Centers is contracted with the following Mainstream Medicaid Managed Care plans for substance abuse services: Affinity Amerigroup/HealthPlus AmidaCare Fi...
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