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501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Services include: - Counseling Services - Individual & Family; Substance Abuse; Homeless Outreach CBHCare Wellness & Support Center - Early Intervention Support Services Adolescent Services - After-School Program & Case Management Rehabilitation Services - Adult & Se
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600 Pavonia Ave
Jersey City, NJ - 07306
(201) 351-2591
Location: 5.16 miles from Lyndhurst
Addiction Services Substance abuse issues can impact all areas of an individual’s life. Legacy Treatment Services works to help adults and adolescents address these issues and live a life free of addiction. Legacy offers outpatient substance abuse counseling, intensive outpatient services, partial care services, services for ...
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149 Hudson St
Hackensack, NJ - 07601
(201) 489-2900
Location: 6.41 miles from Lyndhurst
Type of Care and Treatment Services: Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, Non Profit Organization. ...
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Hackensack, Nj 07601
Hackensack, NJ - 07601
(201) 336-7360
Location: 7.08 miles from Lyndhurst
ADOLESCENT and FAMILY TREATMENT (AFT). The Adolescent and Family Therapy Program (AFT) offers psychological outpatient services for Bergen County adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17˝ who do not have medical insurance or the financial resources to pay for psychological or psychiatric treatment. AFT treats most ps...
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261 State St
Hackensack, NJ - 07601
(201) 968-0200
Location: 7.13 miles from Lyndhurst
Type of Care and Treatment Services: Halfway house, Non Profit Organization. ABOUT THE LADDER PROJECT A professionally-staffed halfway house for homeless men as the next step to a sober life, after they have completed a drug/alcohol treatment program. The Ladder Project is the only program of its kind for men in Bergen...
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55 Tillinghast St
Newark, NJ - 07108
(862) 763-4859
Location: 7.48 miles from Lyndhurst
Non profit treatment center/shelter. Homeless shelter providing transitional housing and support services. Serves as a code blue shelter/warming center and is not handicap accessible. Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 8am to 4pm. Shelter open 24 hours a day....
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