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General Office Hours Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Treatment Hours (IOP & OP) Monday through Thursday 9:00am to 12:00pm 1:00pm to 4:00pm 5:00pm to 8:00pm Saturday by appointment only Fees: Sliding scale available for those who qualify. Fee scale provided upon request. Stand 4 Recovery This s
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1930 E Marlton Pike
Cherry Hill, NJ - 08003
(856) 455-7575
Location: 1.44 miles from Collingswood
Seabrook HouseŽ Inc., is a New Jersey based substance use rehab and co-occurring disorders treatment network. They have achieved an elite CARF accreditation status, ensuring that their rehab patients receive the highest quality treatment. They operate five behavioral health facilities in the Northeastern United States. Thei...
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50-52 Vassar Road
Audubon, NJ - 08106
(856) 546-1750
Location: 1.74 miles from Collingswood
Sober House for women. Total Occupancy: 10 This publicly supported, non-profit 501(c)3 corporation is the umbrella organization which provides the network connecting all Oxford Houses and allocates resources to duplicate the Oxford House concept where needs arise. Oxford House is a concept in recovery from drug and alcohol addicti...
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(856) 520-8737
Location: 1.91 miles from Collingswood
Office Hours: Monday through Fridays 9am to 9pm.Type of Care and Treatment Services:Outpatient, Non Profit Organization.My Fathers House is an Intensive Outpatient Facility licensed by New Jersey Division of Addiction Services.We are a 501(c)(3) non profit that primarily serve the needs of the homeless, criminal justice...
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118 Ellis Street
Haddonfield, NJ - 08033
(800) 238-4357
Location: 2.16 miles from Collingswood
Services available here: Adult Outpatient Therapy for Individuals & Families Young Adult Programs Teen Outpatient Therapy for Individuals & Families Adult Addictions Awareness & DUI Programs They accept a wide variety of commercial and third-party insurance options for their Treatment Prog...
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594 Benson Street
Camden, NJ - 08103
(856) 964-1990
Location: 3.46 miles from Collingswood
Type of Care and Treatment Services:Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, co-occurring, Non Profit Organization.ProgramsAdult Substance Abuse Treatment ServicesAdult Substance Abuse Treatment Services is an outpatient program providing a personal support plan for recovery and relapse prevention. The program helps people exp...
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