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We have listed all of the non profit rehab centers that we have found in North Adams, Massachusetts.
Many of the treatment centers are free and others are sliding scale, low cost, and very affordable. Read the details pages for more information.
Our list of treatment options and centers is by no means inclusive and is always growing. Please check back so you can see our latest addiction centers.
Insurances Accepted - The Brien Center is an approved provider for most public and private health insurance plans.
A sliding fee scale is offered for those who have no health insurance.
Acute Care Services
Adult Day Health Program
Adult and Family Services
Child and Adolescent Services
Community Services
Psychiatric Servic
The Brien Center for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services is a community-based, non-profit agency with a 90 plus year history of providing a continuum of care for children, adolescents, adults and families who suffer from serious and persistent behavioral health disorders. We are guided by the belief that everyone in Berkshire County benefits...
Services: Adult and Family ServicesPsychiatric ServicesInsurances Accepted - The Brien Center is an approved provider for most public and private health insurance plans. A sliding fee scale is offered for those who have no health insurance.The Brien Center for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services is a...