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We have listed all of the non profit rehab centers that we have found in Pensacola, Florida.
Many of the treatment centers are free and others are sliding scale, low cost, and very affordable. Read the details pages for more information.
Our list of treatment options and centers is by no means inclusive and is always growing. Please check back so you can see our latest addiction centers.
Waterfront Women’s Recovery Center in Gulf Breeze, Florida, offers women who are struggling with substance abuse and have nowhere left to turn. Women who want to live lives free from alcohol and drug addiction have an opportunity to enter the 1 year program. "Demonstrate God’s Goodness by Providing Rescue and Recovery Services in Jesus’ Name." Call for intake.
We are an affordable addiction and alcohol recovery program for women, age 18 and older. This year-long residential program provides peer-to-peer, group and individual counseling, parenting classes, spiritual inspiration, relapse prevention, anger management, drug and alcohol education, recreational opportunities and vocational rehabilitation. We are single-gender and a safe, clean, he
Adult Men: Inexpensive, Year-Long Residential Rehab ProgramMen (18 years and older) seeking freedom from substance abuse addictions find a haven of hope at Teen Challenge. They discover tools based on biblical principles that assist them in the recovery process. This highly structured, year-long program provides opportunities for growth through chapel services, group and personal studie