Call 1-866-996-0760 and speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor
We have listed all of the non profit rehab centers that we have found in Lompoc, California.
Many of the treatment centers are free and others are sliding scale, low cost, and very affordable. Read the details pages for more information.
Our list of treatment options and centers is by no means inclusive and is always growing. Please check back so you can see our latest addiction centers.
The intake process involves a brief interview, initial assessment summary, background history, health questionnaire, and medical history. Intake information includes social, psychological, physical or behavioral problems that are related to alcohol and drug problems. Intake information provides a history of withdrawal, type & length of time alcohol or drugs were used & educa
Operated by Good Samaritan Program. See website Provided. Outpatient treatment program available to men and women in recovery with co-occuring disorders. This program offers counseling in topics for building life skills and in sustaining recovery from alcohol and drug addiction.Eligibility Men and women in recovery - Prop 36 Probation Referrals CWS Referrals S