Non Profit Treatment Centers provides a list of 501c3, non-profit rehab centers. The non profit list of rehab can be faith based rehab centers to local non profits hoping to help with the current addiction epidemic.
Many of these programs are very low cost or free.
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Call 1-866-996-0760 and speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor
Types of Non-Profit Treatment
Non-profit treatment centers offer the same types of services that standard treatment centers offer. In patient, out patient, etc.
Who Pays For Non Profit Treatment?
Non profit treatment can be subsidized through donations, grants. Non profit treatment centers generally provide lower cost treatment options than private treatment centers.
Other Services
Many non profit treatment locations offer these services in conjunction with services such as transitional housing, sober living, homeless shelters..
Treatment Centers by state
- Alaska (5)
- Alabama (5)
- Arkansas (3)
- Arizona (9)
- California (164)
- Colorado (40)
- Connecticut (9)
- District of Columbia (30)
- Delaware (66)
- Florida (52)
- Georgia (12)
- Hawaii (34)
- Iowa (6)
- Illinois (51)
- Indiana (3)
- Kansas (106)
- Kentucky (26)
- Louisiana (106)
- Massachusetts (17)
- Maryland (51)
- Maine (10)
- Michigan (7)
- Minnesota (4)
- Missouri (41)
- Mississippi (22)
- North Carolina (239)
- Nebraska (42)
- New Hampshire (4)
- New Jersey (119)
- New Mexico (16)
- Nevada (8)
- New York (32)
- Ohio (3)
- Oklahoma (105)
- Oregon (172)
- Pennsylvania (51)
- South Carolina (46)
- Tennessee (62)
- Texas (209)
- Utah (5)
- Virginia (137)
- Vermont (4)
- Washington (256)
- Wisconsin (26)
- West Virginia (22)
- Wyoming (2)